Created 20250123
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The following proposal is a high level concept for a pyramidal-shaped incense cone that when burned down, reveals a surprise, small, shiny metal object. For the concept, we’ve imagined these objects as miniature models of PlayLab’s individual team members, as well as other options. Additionally, we’ve explored options for metal bases to display your objects during and post-burn.

How It Works

In 1920, Marcel Duchamp ventured into a new territory, olfactory art, along with Man Ray, by creating a ready-made work as a scent. The perfume bottle, never really thought of as a work of art prior to this moment, became a symbol of an idea. Scent, an art form we never really considered, became incredibly interesting to us.

What's Inside

Simultaneously, we’re obsessed with the characters, visuals, packaging, suspense and ritual embedded in the phenomenon of blind boxes—surprise toys in a beautiful package. Anything can be inside, creating a special affinity for whatever it ends up being.

Objects on Plinth

We all need a reminder to slowdown, especially us. On the eve of moving into our newly designed studio, we’re longing for some sort of ritual that keeps us grounded and focused. When combined with scent, and the act of surprise, an idea emerged.

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